Seminar on Enstein's Relativity Theories, 2002 Spring Term
Why does this same person (young Einstein) look different? Each has a different curvature! And in order to understand this, you've got to know General Relativity.
Albert Einstein, Relativity: the Special and the General Theory, Three Rivers Press, 1961.
This is the authorized English translation of: Ueber die spezielle und allgemeine Relativitaetstheorie, gemeinverstaendlich, 1917.
空間と時間の問題は、哲学の歴史の中でも重要な地位を占めるし、現在でも科学(物理学)と哲学とが絡み合う分野の一つである。この問題をきちんと論じるためには、相対性理論、とくに一般相対性理論の知識が不可欠である。アインシュタインみずからの手になるこの本は、初心者に対する手引きとして未だその値打ちを保っている。 ただし、もっと踏み込んだ知識を身につけていかなければ現代の議論についていくことはできないので、この本を読むのと平行して、自分で相対論のもう少し数学的な取り扱いにもなれていかなければならない。そのためには、次の二つの本がお薦めである。なぜ英語の本か?それは、日本人の手になる本で、これほど親切で読みやすく、かつ厳密さを保った本が見あたらないからである。
Edwin F. Taylor and John Archibald Wheeler, Spacetime Physics: Introduction to Special Relativity, 2nd Edition, Freeman, 1992.
Edwin F. Taylor and John Archibald Wheeler, Exploring Black Holes: Introduction to General Relativity, Addison Wesley Longman, 2000.
Section One: Physical Geometry
Section Two: Coordinates
Section Three: Space and Time in Classical Mechanics
Section Four: Galileian System
Section Five: The Principle of Relativity
Section Six: Addition of Velocities
Section Seven: Light and Relativity
Section Eight: Physical Time Defined
Section Nine: Relativity of Simultaneity
Section Ten: Relativity of Distance
Section Eleven: The Lorentz Transformation; Appendix One: Derivation
First Assignment, due May 7 (Tue)
Section Twelve: Rods and Clocks in Motion
Section Thirteen: Relativistic Addition of Velocities → see Einstein on Fizeau's Experiment
Section Fourteen: Heuristic Value?
Section Fifteen: General Results → see Energy and Mass
Section Sixteen: Experience and Special Relativity
Section Seventeen: Minkowski Space
Section Eighteen: General Principle of Relativity
Section Nineteen-Twenty: Gravity, Acceleration, and Relativity
Section Twenty-One: What's Wrong with Classical Mechanics and Special Relativity?
Section Twenty-Two: Light in a Gravitational Field
Section Twenty-Three: Clocks and Rods on a Rotating Disc
Section Twenty-Four: Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Continuum
Section Twenty-Five: Gaussian Coordinates → See Gauss' Theory of Curved Surface
Section Twenty-Six and Twenty-Seven: Space-Time Continuum in Special and General Relativity
Section Twenty-Eight: Exact Formulation of the General Principle of Relativity?
Section Twenty-Nine: How to Arrive at Einstein's Field Equation
Second Assignment, due June 4 (Tue)
Section Thirty - Thirty-Two: Cosmological Considerations
Appendix Five: Brief History of Space
Third Assignment, due July 2 (Tue)
Additional Materials
Electromagnetism and Relativity
The Genesis of General Relativity
Eddington and Taylor & Wheeler on Jules Verne
Eddington on Kinds of Space and Field Equations
Uniformly Accelerated System New
アインシュタインの思考をたどる、レジメ [The steps to the general relativity] New
Last modified, April 15, 2006. (c) Soshichi Uchii