Prof. Emerit. Soshichi Uchii

[1943-20??; July, 2011, at Goethe Institute, Nancy, France]

論理学をベースとし、科学の具体的題材に即した哲学的問題の解明を目指す。確率の哲学、帰納法の問題、進化論をめぐる哲 学的・倫理的問題の追究、空間・時間論、合理主義の倫理学などが主な関心の対象。趣味は囲碁、リコーダー演奏、コンピュータ上でのお絵描き(see, e.g. Gallery)。 2006年3月に定年退職。オモロないことでは世界最高水準を誇る某大学某学部教授会から解放されて明るくなった現在を楽しんでいる。これからは、ダー ウィンを見習って、自営の科学哲学者を目指す。最近はリコーダー演奏の録音に精力を注ぐかたわら、ライプニッツの形而上学と動力学(時空論を含む)を統合する新解釈を展開中。

日本科学哲学会、科学基礎論学会 。

Soshichi Uchii (Professor Emeritus): Logically minded, I am trying to treat and clarify philosophical problems contained in specific subjects of science, such as the theory of evolution or the kinetic theory of gas. Interested in the philosophy of probability, the problems of induction, philosophical and ethical problems related to the theory of evolution, the philosophy of space-time, and rationalist ethics. Besides these subjects, the game of Go, playing the recorder, and computer graphics are my major concern. I have just retired from the professorship at Kyoto in March 2006, and am now enjoying the bright present, freed from the boring faculty meetings (believe me, the boredom is at the highest level in the world!). From now on, I wish to become an independent philosopher like Charles Darwin.

[猫だけでなく学生も可愛がる。I'll take care of students as well as of cats.]

略歴 (Curriculum Vitae)

1943 高松市に生まれる (born in Takamatsu)
1961 香川県立高松高等学校卒業 (graduated from Takamatsu High School, Kagawa Pref., Japan)
1961 京都大学工学部精密工学科入学 (entered Dept. of Engineering, Kyoto University)
1965 同 卒業 (graduated from Dept. of Engineering, Kyoto University)
1965 京都大学文学部哲学科編入学 (reentered, Dept. of Philosophy, Kyoto University)
1967 同 卒業 (graduated from Dept. of Philosophy, Kyoto University)
1967 京都大学人文科学研究所助手 (Instructor, Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University)
1968-1971 フルブライト奨学金を得てミシガン大学大学院に留学 (Fulbright grant for graduate studies, The University of Michigan)
1971 ミシガン大学 Ph.D.(Philosophy), The University of Michigan
1979 大阪市立大学文学部講師 (Lecturer, Dept. of Philosophy, Osaka City University)
1981 同 助教授 (Associate Prof., Dept. of Philosophy, Osaka City University)
1990 京都大学文学部教授(倫理学)(Professor of Ethics, Kyoto University)
1991 Visiting Fellow, Center for Philosophy of Science, Unversity of Pittsburgh
1993 京都大学文学部教授(科学哲学科学史新設により配置換え)(Professor of Philosophy of Science, Kyoto University)
1996-1999 General Program Committee, 11th International Congress of Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science (Cracow)
1999-2003 Assessor, Division of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, International Union of History and Philosophy of Science
1999- Editorial Board, Philosophy of Science Association (USA)
2005- Section Program Committee (Philosophy of Physical Sciences), 13th International Congress of Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science (2007, Beijin)
2006, 31 March, Retirement from the chair
2006, 1 April, Professor Emeritus
2008-2011, 1st Vice President, Division of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, International Union of History and Philosophy of Science

2010, June- , CEO, Uchii Co. Ltd.

Last modified: Jan. 27, 2018. Soshichi Uchii