24号族 〜 29号族 


Helmsley Turk Mare ------------>
       Maiden 1770
        Matron 1782
        | Phoenomenon Mare 1788
        | | Maiden 1801
        | |  Selim Mare 1812 ------------>
        | |   Frolic Mare 1819 
        | |    | Stays 1831 ------------>
        | |    |  The Saddler Mare 1838
        | |   |  | Frolic 1848 
        | |   |  |  Levity 1860 Sasanof・Rose of Kingston・Spirit of Kingston
        | |   |  |  Frolicsome 1865
        | |   |  |  Lady Sophia 1867  The Boss・Rudolph・Cider・Bogan Road
        | |   |  |
        | |   |  Giselle 1843 Tulloch
        | |   |  
        | |   Elfrid 1820
        | |   Camelina 1823
        | |     3代略
        | |       Florence 1869  Carry Back・Hindoo
        | |
        | Minstrel 1803
        |  2代略
        |    Echidna 1838  The Baron
        Young Maiden 1784 Harry Bassett

Brimmer Mare ------------>
      Lardella 1780
       Alexina 1788
       | Houghton Lass 1801
       | Epsom Lass 1803
       | | Eliza 1823
       | |  Jessie 1835 ------------>
       | |   Zimmerman Mare 1843
       | |   | Blue Bell 1851
       | |   |  Scarf 1863
       | |   |  | Cachmere 1872  
       | |   |  | | Cassimere 1885
       | |   |  | |  Marmot 1891  Henny Hughes
       | |   |  | |  Chiffon 1900  Turtle Island・ファバージ・Red Rum
       | |   |  | |
       | |   |  | Stole 1882
       | |   |  |  Sacristy 1891
       | |   |  |
       | |   |  May Day 1870
       | |   |   Aventurera 1888 Avicenia ------------>
       | |   |    Altea 1895
       | |   |    | Aroma 1902
       | |   |    | | Auvergne 1913
       | |   |    | | Seren 1926 
       | |   |    | |
       | |   |    | Aventurera 1915
       | |   |    |
       | |   |    Avida 1906
       | |   |      Abea 1913 Charolais
       | |   |    
       | |   Garenne 1854  
       | |    Gemma 1859
       | |    | 2代略
       | |    |   Hungry Bird 1905 Gay Blonde・Macdougal・The Hawk
       | |    |
       | |    Gladia 1874 Gouvernant
       | |   
       | Zaida 1806
       Slope Mare 1791
                   Furlough 1937 
                    Ace Card 1942 One Count・Mrs.Penny・Hatoof
                    Adile 1946 Flanders・Surfside     

  Old Merlin Mare ------------>
    Cypron 1750  Herod
     Lady Bolingbroke 1766 
     | Goldfinder Mare 1779
     |  Highflyer Mare 1788  
     |  | Miss Buckle 1804
     |  | Agnes 1805 Glenelg・Africander
     |  |
     |  Hoity Toity 1790  
     |   Whiskey Mare 1804 Cremorne
     |   Mirth 1806 Orby
     Parsley 1786 ------------>
      Justice Mare 1795
      | Guildford Nan 1805
      |  Rubens Mare 1812
      |  | Woful Mare 1823 
      |  |  Penelope 1827
      |  |
      |  Rubens Mare 1813
      |   2代略
      |     Celia 1839
      |      Miranda 1851
      |      |    5代略
      |      |      La Esperanza 1909 
      |      |       Lespoir 1914
      |      |       Quimerica 1923
      |      |       Reverie 1931
      |      |
      |      Beech Nut 1854
      |       Beachy Head 1865
      |        Electric Light 1876 Cilaneum ------------>
      |         Petrel 1887
      |         |   5代略
      |         |      Rose Coral 1950  Bowl Game
      |         |       Rosalba 1956
      |         |       Rosetta Stone 1964 
      |         |     
      |         Axiom 1888      
      |         | Doctrine 1898
      |         | | Sun Worship 1912 Solario
      |         | |  Voleuse 1920  セフト
      |         | |  | Veilleuse 1924
      |         | |  | Chor Bazar 1931
      |         | |  | Bakou 1936  
      |         | |  |
      |         | |  Imagery 1923 デュネット
      |         | |
      |         | Doctrine 1899
      |         |  Document 1911
      |         |   Beneficiary 1926 
      |         |
      |         No Trumps 1896 Gloaming
      Justice Mare 1796
           Peronelle 1854
            Peripetie 1866
            Perine 1868
                     Sulenan 1963 Tiznow・Crimson Satan

Bushy Molly 1737 ------------>
 Golden Ball Mare
  Babraham Mare
   Squirrel Mare 1768
   |    5代略
   |      Harriott 1847
   |       Marie Agnes 1854  
   |       |       10代略
   |       |           Valour 1963 Burst
   |       |
   |       Fairy Footstep 1863
   |        Themis 1870
   |         アルテミス 1887
   South Mare
        Rubens Mare 1819
         Care 1825
         | Blue Devils 1837
         |  Ennui 1843 ------------>
         |  | Bravery 1853
         |  | | Adosinda 1865 Fly So Free
         |  | | Thoughtless 1875       
         |  | |
         |  | Lady Roden 1856
         |  |  Mirella 1863 
         |  |  | Cherry Duchess 1871 ------------>
         |  |  |  Cherry 1881
         |  |  |  Dorothea 1885 Alsab
         |  |  |  |  2代略
         |  |  |  |   メイビイソウ 1921 ヒカルポーラ・カブトシロー
         |  |  |  |
         |  |  |  La Carolina 1889 Avantage・Enthusiasm
         |  |  |
         |  |  Lady Coventry 1865 Anilin・Biribi
         |  |  
         |  Homily 1852
         |   2代略
         |     Rosary 1878
         |      Rosewood 1883 Brantome
         |      La Goulue 1891 トウルヌソル・Itajara
         Danoise 1830
            Nightlight 1856 Sir Chrystopher ・St.Hippo

  Place's White Turk Mare ------------>
      Ancaster Dizzy 1741
       Blank Mare 1755 
       | Carina 1766
       |      7代略
       |         Meadow Queen 1888 Winfreux
       Dizzy 1757 
        Grey Dorimant 1781 
         Whiskey Mare 1799 
          Emily 1810  Samum・Schiaparelli
          Oleander 1813

  Natural Barb Mare ------------>
        Housemaid 1795
         Landscape 1813 
         | Katherina 1817
         |  Hinda 1838 
         |   Little Finch 1842 
         |   | Flutter 1850  Sylvandale
         |   | | 
         |   | Miss Finch 1856  Greencap
         |   |  2代略
         |   |    Pretty Nell 1901  Cetigne
         |   |     Cenina 1913
         |   |      バンリ 1919  ホクトフラッグ
         |   |
         |   Miss Hinda 1857
         Don Cossack Mare 1818
             Atalanta 1851
