Murou Village has more than a thousand years of history as a holy place of the Murou temple, Ohno temple which is the largest temple in Japan, and a precious and cultural artifacts such as the "Magaibutsu". In addition,this nature is abundant in this beautiful village with plentiful mountains,valleys, and forests. Situated in the northern Uda County of eastern Nara prefecture its image is one of a cultural village. The cultural heritage of Murou village is conveyed today through its lineage and history.

Ohnodera Temple


Drooping Cherry Tree (Spring)
Related to the Murou temple since ancient times, it has come to be called as the western gate of the Murou temple. Opposite to the temple is the famous Ohno Temple Magaibutsu. Built in the Kamakura era at the request of emperor Gotoba its total height is 14 meters. In the spring the temple ground is a beautiful site as the blossoms bloom on the drooping cherry trees which said to be 200 years old. The statue of Jizo(a guardian deity of children) in the main temple is also an important national treasure as its title "The Sacrifice" suggests tells the story of the saving of an innocent young girl from punishment of burning at the stake.

5 minute walk from Kintetsu Railway (Kinki Nippon Railway) Murouguchi-Ohno station

Muroji Temple

Five-Storied Pagoda and Riotous
Muroji Temple, built in the 8th century, stands in a mountain valley, in the midst of a cryptomeria grove . Its five-storied pagoda is the smallest outdoor pagoda in japan. The Kondo(Main Hall)which stands at the top of Muroji's long stone stairway presents to the visitor a variety of elegant and graceful expressions, depending on the season, set off against a backdrop of vivid greens in spring and summer, or of blazing reds and yellows in autumn. The Mirokudo Hall houses such works as the seated Shaka Nyorai figure, a masterpiece exemplifying the distinctive flavor of early 9th-century Buddhist art.
The visitor who comes to this temple in May, when rhododendrons are in riotous bloom, or in October and November, when the autumn leaves from a gorgeous canopy overhead, will find it uncommonly beautiful.

From Kintetu Muroguchi-Ono Station:Board the bus, get off at the "Muroji-mae" bus stop, and wark 5 minutes to the temple.

Five-Storied Pagoda in Winter
Sedentary statue of Shaka-Nyorai of the Muroji Temple

This wooden sedentary statue of Buddha is outstanding among a number of Buddhist images kept at the temple, which possesses a fine collection of early Heian Period art works. The statue is said to be typical of 9th Century sculpture.

Tour of the Murou Village.

(Note: On Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays during flower-viewing season [late April and early May], express buses leave Muroji Temple about 1 times per how.)
