Die Weissenspuren

Welcome to my Homepage !

the Final update
14. February, 2005

since 1. October, 2004


visit Japanese version

* Thank you !! *~

Excuse me for my stopping
the update for a long time.

At 22:00 on 1. February 2005
Kanon has dead with heart attack(supposed).
She was 7 months and 9 days old.

After only 1 minute from attack
she took the last breath with almost no pain.

Though a little bit thinner than usual
she was so fine that we can't think she has disease
and I was just thinking to send the news on this website
with her many photos which I took.

She spent her days with Mohlie's family for about 5 months.
I sincerely wish
these days were as peaceful as they can be for Kanon,
who couldn't see the first time spring for her.


Thank you very much for everyone :
who gave me advice before I led Kanon to our home,
who sent me e-mails taking care of Kanon's health,
and the all visitors of this website.
All members of my family are still in big sorrow
and we need certain time to get back ourselves,
but I hope to see you again someday.

For so short time, but thank you very much again.

14. Feberuary, 2005
Mohlie, <Die Weissenspuren> Webmaster

I changed my e-mail address above into image file to avoid advertising mails.
Excuse me but please tipe this address by yourself.

To sort out the mails and divide advertising mails
please write [Spuren] on the subject of your e-mail.
After these words, please follow some subtitle as you like.


Another website by Mohlie

Der Musenwald

Website about Contrabass & Illusurations
(It will be open with new window)